WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographer's International) is here again! This is one of the most exiting times of the year for photographers because it is not only one of the biggest conferences, but also the biggest trade show in the industry. This is my 4th year attending and each year it gets better and better. Not only is it a tremendous learning experience, but a wonderful way to network and meet new friends. As a matter of fact, WPPI has turned into a reunion of sorts as many of my closest photographer friends live outside of the state and it's a great feeling seeing them from a distance and be greeted with open arms. The next 5 days will be action packed and you can be assured I'll be sharing with you all the wonderful experiences, as well as lots of new and exciting advances coming for Shalimar Studios. Until then, I'll be the nerd in the front row of each class with my note pad and pen.